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Involved in CrossFit since 2012

Coaching CrossFit since 2014

Coaching Gymnastics since 2007

Gymnastics Programmer for Blacklisted HQ



CF-L1, NCI- L1 (Nutrition)



• Breaking skills down into small pieces that are easier to understand, and providing drills to continue the learning process.

• Helping members learn how to do CrossFit in the healthiest way for their bodies.

• Working with competitors in their training, as well as creating a plan for the competition floor.



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About Christa

My Favorite Movements to Coach:

Not surprising, gymnastics movements are among some of my favorites to coach. I enjoy the learning process and breaking highly technical skills down into manageable chunks so that the athlete can work to perfect each piece. I enjoy weightlifting for the same reason, but for opposite reasons, I really enjoy teaching how to properly use rowers, bikes, and ski ergs and how to use them based on different workout stimulus.


My Favorite Movements:

Snatches are a favorite due to the highly technical nature of oly lifting, but I love workouts with Deadlifts and/or biking.


Why do I Coach:

I love coaching members to do things that they didn't think were possible, and watching them gain confidence.



Getting Started in CrossFit:

A friend in Roanoke suggested that I try a local CF gym because she knew I woud fall in love with the gymnastics side of it. I was intimidated (I had never touched a barbell in my life) and actually left before going in on day one. I went back the next day and quickly fell in love with the process, the workouts, and most of all, the community. I also loved that I coud show up for 60 minutes, be coached on exactly what to do, and leave tired from a tough workout. And while I did enjoy the gymnastics movements, weightlifting quickly became my favorite part of CrossFit.


Why do I CrossFit:

Throughout my journey I learned a lot about my body and mind. I enjoy knowing that I can do hard things, and I enjoy being strong. CrossFit has increased my quality of life, and has also helped me immensely in spotting gymnasts as a competitive team coach.


Other Job(s):

Nutrition Coach - Restored Nutrition Coaching

Competitive Gymnastics Coach- Balance Gymnastics

Gymnastics Programmer - Blacklisted HQ

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